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2347:Lifting his order for Boston area residents to stay at home, Governor Patrick also announced the reopening of Boston's "T" subway system.
2341:Massachusetts state police chief Col Timothy Alben outlined how exhaustive the search had been today. "We went through about 20 streets here, door to door, with our tactical teams," he said.
"We knocked on doors to ensure that everyone was safe in their homes and that they saw the police on their streets. We did limited searches of those homes to render them safe. We've also followed a number of leads this afternoon that have taken us in various places in eastern Massachusetts, and none of those leads have been fruitful to this point." -
Kaily Belpedio, in Boston, MAtweets: What is wrong with people these days... I'll never understand. I've never been more afraid to walk outside. #saveboston
c.sandy, in Boston, MAtweets: The chaos in this town is something else. #Boston #BostonBombing
2337:This photo of the Rose Kennedy Greenway park in Boston shows just how empty the city's streets were at dinnertime today.
2329:Police believe Dzhokhar Tsarnaev fled on foot. No indication he has a vehicle.
2328:Ethnic Chechens from the troubled Caucasus region of southern Russia: read our profile of the fugitive suspect, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, and his elder brother Tamerlan, who was reportedly killed earlier in the security operation.
2324:Police say they believe the suspect is still in the state because of his ties.
2323:Boston police believe the suspect has not left Massachusetts but cannot be sure he is still in the city of Boston.
2320:According to Governor Patrick, 200 rounds and explosives were used in the overnight firefight.
2319:Speaking alongside Governor Patrick, Massachusetts state police chief Timothy Alben pledges to capture the fugitive. "My message to the suspect is to give himself up," he says. "This is a dangerous person who we believe has killed people."
2315:Richard DesLauriers, FBI special agent in charge in Boston, has urged "those who have information to come forward and provide it to us".
2309:Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick has told a news conference that the city's stay-indoors order has been lifted. "But remain vigilant," he adds.
'We're on edge but not much is happening'Mira in Cambridge, MA, emails: People have been going out since 15:00 even though the police keep saying to stay inside. People have been saying it will last into the weekend, but people aren't going to stay inside that long. People are looking for stores that are open. At the same time, it isn't normal. There are always sirens in the distance and helicopters. In Watertown people are being searched. Schools are on vacation so it's not a big deal about that. We're on edge but not much is happening.
2303:If you are just joining us, welcome to our live coverage of the manhunt in the US city of Boston for one of two brothers suspected of bombing the city's marathon on Monday.
2244:Parts of Boston have witnessed scenes reminiscent of troops deploying - here a woman carries a girl from their house as a police SWAT team moves in.
2237:Anonymous officials say that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev ran over his wounded brother while escaping from police, the Boston Globe newspaper reports. "This kid is obviously going down fighting," the Globe quotes an unnamed police official as saying, referring to the brothers' gun battle with police. "You can rest assured the cops are looking for a fight right now," he added.
2236:The Russia Today channel has aired an interview with a woman saying she is the suspects' mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, in which she says she is sure her sons have been set up, echoing their father Anzor's comments earlier on Friday. While saying Tamerlan had been involved in "religious politics", Mrs Tsarnaeva said he had never indicated to her that "he would be on the side of jihad".
2221:The shutdown has turned some Bostonians into refugees for the day, writes the BBC's North America editor Mark Mardell, with police holding them behind cordons while their homes are searched. "I don't think America will feel normal again until he's caught," he says.
Katty Kay Presenter, BBC World Newstweets: High school friend of Tamerlan describes him to me as nice, sociable and funny. That was in 2006. Did he change recently? What happened?
2147:The BBC's Ben Wright in Boston says that police have confirmed that the first suspect - Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's brother Tamerlan - had "some sort of IED" with him when he was killed. Police say the brothers were heavily armed during the chase in the early hours of the morning, he adds.
2136:The brothers' uncle Alviz Tsarni has spoken to America's ABC. Asked if he was worried about his nephew, he replied: "What can happen to him? They will kill him, it's all… We know it, right? We don't have to worry about this. What's done is done, he is already dead."
2124:Some Boston residents are taking extra precautions in the current scare. Jesse Bonelli in Watertown told the Associated Press that he was staying inside his house with a sharpened machete. "It's something I usually keep hanging on the wall, but it's the only weapon I have... I want to be ready in case anyone bursts into the house," Mr Bonelli said.
2121:As well as affecting travel within the city, the shutdown has meant disruption to services to and from Boston. These travellers were at Pennsylvania Station in New York, where all trains to Boston were cancelled.
2112:The Washington Post has done a "quick back-of-the-envelope calculation" of the economic damage caused by Boston's shutdown. One estimate puts the Boston metropolitan area's GDP at around $326 billion in 2011, meaning the shutdown could be costing nearly $1 billion per day. However, another analyst has said the effect will likely be similar to that of a major blizzard, the Post reports.
Vladimir Georgiev, BostonEmails: All I can see outside is police cars. It's like a ghost city.
Alison Yeardley, Cambridge MATells the BBC: "It's eerily quiet outside. I can hear sirens and helicopters only. I'm half a mile away from the suspect's house. Everyone is confident things are going to be ok. If was bit closer to Watertown I might feel differently. My friend in Watertown slept through everything! All the city is in shutdown - we are allowed outside, but the transport system is down. We're staying in and keeping off the roads to help police. We're not all in fear - we're in our pyjamas eating chocolate."
2054:A student who lived two doors away from Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in their student dormitory has told the BBC he was "a pretty nice person". Zach Boyer said of Dzhokhar: "I saw him all the time. He was often in my room... He did wrestling and played soccer. He was well liked."
2046:As the Massachusetts State Police said they were no longer looking for a green Honda Civic sedan, a Reuters reporter in a Cambridge backyard near the Tsarnaevs' apartment reported seeing police loading a Honda with a licence plate they had taped over onto the back of a tow truck. Soon after, the bomb squad arrived, and three people in white biohazard suits and heavy yellow boots emerged from the apartment, according to Reuters.
2046: Fatma Tanis, Cambridge MATells the BBC: Right now Cambridge is on a lock down, not a single soul is on the street except for a few cars passing by. We are allowed to leave our homes but have been advised to stay inside - the police want us to feel safe. All shops and schools are shut down at the moment. It's a bit scary going out when it's quiet. We don't know what's going to happen - there are lots of questions.
2038:Reports say that a woman in New Jersey calling herself the sister of the two suspects is helping the police with their inquiries. FBI agents have removed a computer from her apartment in West New York, the North Jersey news site reports.
2030:The Boston-based Red Sox baseball team and Bruins ice hockey teams have announced they are postponing their games while authorities search for a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings, the Associated Press reports.
2008:The White House has released a photo of President Barack Obama and his security advisers in the situation room, where he was briefed on the Boston investigation.
2007:BBC Monitoring has more of Anzor Tsarnaev's comments on Friday. He told Russian journalists he had spoken to his sons immediately after the Boston bombings. They told them they had not been hurt and were not there at the time.
According to Interfax news agency, Anzor said he did not believe his sons were capable of such an act and that they "wouldn't hurt a fly". -
1950: Will Bowry, Boston MAemails: And as the manhunt continues, I and two other British teachers are holed up in Fenway watching events unfurl on TV. The park near my flat, normally a bustling hive of activity, is deserted, apart from circulating police cars. All we can do is wait.
1945: BBC's David Botti
1942: Michael, Belmont MAemails: Starting to think this lockdown may continue for quite some time yet. The scene is surreal in the day light. It's going to get very spooky at night when there's nothing on the roads and the constant blue flash of police lights.
1937:BBC Monitoring reports both brothers posted links to Islamic militant websites online, some specifically relating to Chechnya and Syria.
What appears to be Dzhokhar's page on the Russian social networking website VKontakte carries a link dated 9 April to a video showing scenes of what appears to be government forces' brutality in the Syrian civil war. A YouTube account in the name of Tamerlan Tsarnaev features a clip with an Arabic audio track in which a man draws a parallel between Chechnya and Syria. -
1932:Maret Tsarnaeva, who says she is the suspects' aunt, tells reporters in Canada says she "strongly believes" the two brothers could not be guilty of the bombings and says the picture of the two at the marathon was staged.
"I am used to being set-up," she says, referring to her life in the former Soviet Union. "I am a Chechen." -
1924: CNN's Jake Tappertweets: This may sound odd but there's a New Orleans after Katrina vibe to downtown Boston right
1917: Barb Darrow, WatertownTells the BBC: "We got a "robocall", which is a reverse 911 call, from the Watertown PD at 02:30 and have been locked inside since. It is like a ghost town here. It is a strange and worrying day for everyone here. I have been creeping around in my own house peering out the window. It is mind-boggling what has happened here today."
1915:The Boston Globe reports that medical officials at Beth Israel attempted to revive Tamerlan Tsarnaev after he was brought in with "massive injuries".
1903:Connecticut police are looking for a different car with a Massachusetts license plate, a green 1999 Honda Civic. But they say to call Massachusetts police with any information.
1850:Meanwhile, the New York Times and CBS News report that Dzhokhar, his mother and father became naturalised US citizens last year. Tamerlan was reportedly in the middle of the process.
1848:NBC News and AP report Tamerlan Tsarnaev travelled to Russia last year through New York and stayed there six months. There is no record of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev leaving the country.
1838:Kurt Schwartz with the Massachusetts emergency management agency says Bostonians who have taken shelter at their workplaces should feel free to drive home and stay there, taking taxis or rides from friends if necessary.
1828: Dave Lee Technology ReporterInternet users have been working to piece together digital clues about the Boston bombing culprits. Many people are now asking if such "crowd-sourcing investigations" should be stopped as they got it wrong - and left innocent people fearing for their safety. Read our feature here.
1819: BBC's Simon Wilsontweets: "Welcome to Boston. Do NOT pick up any hitchhikers." Useful advice from car rental agent.
1818:In West New York, New Jersey, right outside New York City, police have been speaking with a woman who says she is the suspects' sister.
Ailina Tsarnaev tells reporters she was "shocked" that her brothers were implicated in the bombing and said she had not spoken to them in years, as her family was unhappy she married a man who was not a Muslim. -
1808:Amtrak says it has closed rail service between Boston and New York on the popular Northeast Regional route. Trains between Washington and New York are still running.
1802:Sierra Schwartz, a former classmate of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev at Cambridge Rindge and Latin High School, says the situation is "absolutely shocking for everybody that knew him back in high school". She tells BBC News he was a "very friendly, kind person... the most shocking thing is there were absolutely no signs that he could ever have committed such a horrendous, horrific crime."
1757:"The Russian president offered to help in any way he could. Actually, he could do a lot of good," writes Fred Kaplan of Slate Magazine.
1757:The Chechen president, Ramzan Kadyrov, has commented on Instagram:
"We have previously expressed our condolences to the people of the city and the people of America... Any attempt to make the connection between Chechnya and the Tsarnaevs, if they are guilty, is in vain. They grew up in the US, their attitudes and beliefs were formed there. It is necessary to seek the roots of evil in America. We wish recovery to all the victims and share the feelings of sorrow." -
1754:Thank you for all your tweets and emails - keep them coming as we would love to hear from you.
1753: Anthony De Rosa Reuters social media editortweets: Is it at all possible the second suspect slipped out of Watertown already?
1752:George MacMasters hired suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev as a lifeguard at Harvard University, where he is an aquatics coordinator. He tells the BBC he never suspected the 19-year-old could be capable of something like the Boston bombings.
"He seemed very well adjusted. He had very little accent, spoke perfect English, he had a little bit of humour with his fellow high school students." -
1743:Watertown Police Chief Edward Deveau says "we still need some time" and says it may be the weekend before "the crime scene is under control".
1739:The police official says investigators are developing new leads and that authorities will carry out a "controlled explosion" soon.
1736:A Massachusetts state police official says the search is "progressing" through the neighbourhood but says no suspect has been apprehended.
1735:Boston Mayor Tom Menino says his city is strong "and will get through this".
1735:Gov Patrick says there are "continuing developments" that authorities cannot discuss now.
1734:Gov Patrick thanks members of the public for staying indoors. "It's been enormously important and helpful," he says, urging residents to remain inside.
1733:The press conference begins. Governor Deval Patrick speaks first.
1728:Local resident Kristian Tuinzing says a bullet came through his wall, piercing his calendar and chair, during a firefight. He tells the BBC what happened in this video.
1727:If you are just joining our live coverage of the manhunt for the Boston Marathon bombing suspects: One suspect is dead and another is at large after an MIT police officer was shot overnight. Police activity has focused on a block in Watertown, Massachusetts, with most of the metropolitan Boston area being told to stay inside.
1721:We are expecting a press conference on the situation in Watertown within the next five to 10 minutes.
1719: Mark Mardell North America editor
1719:Tsarnaev described himself as a "very religious" Muslim and said he no longer drank alcohol or smoked. He said he did not have a single American friend, because he did not understand them.
1715:Tamerlan Tsarnaev told Hirn he would represent New England in an amateur boxing competition in Utah, fighting as a heavyweight, and hoped one day to box on the US Olympic team.
1709:Photographer Johannes Hirn spent time in a boxing gym with Tamerlan Tsarnaev and produced a photo essay entitled Will Box For Passport. The photographs have since been removed from the website.
1704:Don't miss the PM Programme on BBC Radio 4, live on air and reporting on all the latest from Boston.
1656:As we've been hearing, US President Barack Obama has been briefed at the White House about the situation. And Secretary of State John Kerry, a former senator from Massachusetts, has said: "It's fair to say that for this entire week we've been in a pretty direct confrontation with evil."
1654:Russian President Vladimir Putin sends a message of condolence to US President Barack Obama.
Mr Putin said he "strongly condemned this barbaric crime" and said the Russian Federation would be ready, if necessary, to assist in the investigation. -
1651: Barb Darrow, WatertownTells the BBC: "We got a "robocall", which is a reverse 911 call, from the Watertown police at 02:30 and have been locked inside since. It is like a ghost town here. It is a strange and worrying day for everyone here. I have been creeping around in my own house peering out the window. It is mind-boggling what has happened here today."
1650:The Associated Press reports that Tamerlan Tsarnaev had studied accounting part-time student at Bunker Hill Community College in Boston for three semesters from 2006 to 2008, according to the school.
1649:Passenger rail service Amtrak says it has suspended all trains between Boston and Providence, Rhode Island, "at the request of local authorities, and due to ongoing police activity".
1638:Mr Tsarni tells reporters he loves America and says he wants to meet the victims of the bombings.
1635:We are waiting for an update from the governor and the mayor, who are receiving a briefing from police.
1634:Uncle Ruslan Tsarni says the two brothers immigrated to the US and received asylum. He says his family has had "nothing to do with them" for a long time.
1634: Sudhir Sivakumaran, BostonEmails: Never seen Massachusetts Avenue so deserted since I came here. Never seen so many police activity in my life for sure. Stuck at home, waiting for the all clear sign to go out.
1633:In Maryland, their uncle Ruslan Tsarni says: "They have brought shame" to the family. He calls on his nephew to turn himself in and to ask for forgiveness.
1631:More and more details are coming in about the two brothers suspected of the Boston bombing. The BBC's Daniel Sandford reports they are ethnic Chechens from the troubled Southern Caucasus region of Russia. Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev moved to the US in 2001, though their father has now returned to Dagestan, a republic bordering Chechnya. He said today that he believed his sons have been framed.
1630:The suspects' uncle Ruslan Tsarni is speaking in Maryland. "We're Muslims, we're ethnic Chechens... somebody radicalised them." He says he has not seen the two in several years.
1628:The young men's father Anzor Tsarnaev has told the BBC his younger son Dzhokhar hoped to become a brain surgeon, and that he believed the secret services had framed his sons.
1615:The University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth has not said what Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was studying nor whether he had lived on campus.
Student Brie McCarron told the Associated Press that police have descended on campus and that students who know Tsarnaev say he lives in a dormitory. -
1614: Rob Ledniczkytweets: British student currently locked in at Harvard, pretty surreal experience, Cambridge is completely dead
1613: Adam Gabbatt, The Guardiantweets: Officer to reporters: "Guys if you knew what was happening you wouldn't be standing there right now."
1611: Mike Cerra, Bostontweets: Cars are being searched if they are driving in the area. No traffic in or out #Watertown at this time.
1609:BBC Monitoring reports that a man named Anzor, who said he was Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's father, told Russia's Interfax news agency his children were framed.
"The special services framed my children because they are believing Muslims," he was quoted as saying. "Why did they kill Tamerlan? They should have taken him alive. The younger one is now on the run; he was studying in his second year at a medical institute in the US. We were expecting him home in the holidays. Now I don't know what will happen." -
1609:Watertown residents have sent the BBC photos of the scene outside of their windows.
1552:The television feed from the scene in Watertown, Massachusetts shows heavily armed police with rifles drawn.
1540: Boston's Logan Airporttweets "flights are arriving and departing. Taxis are available, but in very high demand".
1536: Boston Police Departmenttweets: #MediaAlert: WARNING: Do Not Compromise Officer Safety by Broadcasting Tactical Positions of Homes Being Searched.
1535:Independent Moscow radio station Ekho Moskvy has a statement from Alvi Karimov, press secretary for the leader of the Chechen Republic.
He told Interfax "the suspects in the Boston crimes have no relation to Chechnya". He says "according to preliminary information" the family moved "many years ago from Chechnya to another region of Russia".
"Then for a long time they lived in Kazakhstan, and from there moved to the US, where family members obtained residency," Mr Karimov said. "So the persons concerned did not live in Chechnya as adults, and if they became 'bad apples' then it's a question of who was educating them." -
1534:Connecticut state police, meanwhile, have updated their alert to say the vehicle they were looking for has been recovered in Boston.
1533:Update: The University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth evacuated its campus.
1532: Terry, Bostonemails: Cops are everywhere. I've never seen anything like this in my life
1531:Information is emerging about the lives of brothers Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who are suspected of carrying out the bombing at the Boston Marathon. Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, died in a shootout with police on Thursday night. His 19-year-old brother, Dzhokhar, is still on the run in Boston. Read our latest profile of them here.
1528:An area university, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, closes after reporting one of the suspects was a registered student there.
1527: Lauren Stweets: This is so scary right now. I can't believe the place where I live is in so much danger.
1526:The New York Times has created a map of the events of the past 12 hours.
1514: Andrew Harteveldtemails: The quietest this city has been on a Friday morning. We are all locked down inside our house.
1510: BBC's Debbie Randle
1505: BBC's Simon Wilsontweets: Heading for #Boston. Security at Washington Reagan airport significantly stepped up this morning.
1456:Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, who lived at the same address as the suspect on Norfolk Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts and is likely to be the boys' mother, was arrested for shoplifting last year, BBC Moscow reports.
1455:A profile of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on Russian social network VKontakte suggests he has been a student at the Cambridge Rindge and Latin School in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and had previously attended school in Makhachkala, in the Russian Republic of Dagestan, between 1999-2001. It suggests he is a Muslim believer and reads: "The main thing in life - status and gold". The latest update on the page is from 19 March 2012.
1453:Local media identify the MIT police officer killed last night as Sean Collier, 26.
1452:Robin Young, host of PRI public radio programme Here and Now, tweets: "Heart is broken. just confirmed, I know dzhokhar tsarnave, one of best friends of my beloved nephew,who says he never in his life saw this."
1451:BBC Monitoring report a post to a jihadist forum argues against speculating on the identities of the suspects, but notes the bombing reveals the "prominent weak point" of Western countries.
"The purpose is what results from this operation and its repetition, such as instilling terror, costing America more financial burden, and economic repercussions which will weaken and eventually kill it." -
1449: David Kniestweets: Camb bomb squad truck w/ state police convoy going S on 93 near S Bay Ctr. @stoolpresidente
1448: Michael W.emails: Living just about 1/2 a mile from the main search area and under instructions to not leave the house. It's very eerie outside. Not a car in the road except for a cavalcade of police going by once in a while.
1448:Watertown Council President Mark Siderais tells BBC News residents should remain inside and stay safe. He describes Watertown as a four-sq-mile town with approximately 33,000 residents.
Travis Wesleytweets: All MBTA Trains are shutdown at this time. All subway lines and commuter rail are suspended. #Boston #MIT #Watertown
1445:Police in the neighbouring state of Connecticut have put out a alert for a vehicle that could "possibly be occupied by a wanted suspect".
1445:Mr Bayley also tells the BBC he has been told to stay in his house as the police search door to door.
"It's just been an horrific few hours. I'm heavily involved in running too, so the whole last week has been horrific." -
1443:Tim Bayley, who is originally from Brighton, UK, and who lives in Watertown tells the BBC "he woke up to gunfire".
"There must have been about 150 gunshots - at 0200 local time and then I heard multiple explosions, from what must have been grenades.
"That was followed by police cars flying down my street - there must have been about 20 cars in succession. I couldn't believe how many police there were." -
1440:Local radio reporter Alex Ashlock, on Arsenal Street, east Watertown, tells BBC News there is still a "massive" police presence in the sealed-off 20-block area.
Local reporter Janet Wu tweets: "Small detonation at Cambridge address after stretchers, ambulances & 3 fire trucks arrive. Crews calm but suited up"
1430:Chechen internet users have expressed strong reaction to the news from Boston, BBC Monitoring reports. Some say that the US authorities are seeking to blame Chechens for the blasts, while others are expressing concern over possible adverse impacts on Chechens in Europe.
1429:More from the interview with suspects' uncle: Both had been in the US 10 years and had grown up in Kyrgyzstan.
Boston Globe reporter David Abel tweets: "Just spoke to two Transit police officers who told me that their colleague who was shot is "going to live" and is "a good, brave dude".
New York Times reporter Jodi Kantor tweets: High school classmates & acquaintances of Johar Tsarnaev sound shocked. He was a sweetie, a delight, a wrestling star who won awards.
1417:And an interview with the suspects' uncle has run on CNN. He says he had not spoken to the young men for two years, but the older nephew - Tamerlan Tsarnaev - called yesterday.
1414:In Russia, a man described by the Associated Press as the father of the Boston bombing suspects says his son Dzhokar is an accomplished medical student and "a true angel". Anzor Tsarnaev spoke from Makhachkala, Russia, AP reports.
1409:Back in Watertown, police are pushing back from at least one location near the house surrounded by armed troopers.
1359:BBC Moscow says it does not have any concrete information about Tamerlan Tsarnaev - reported to be the dead suspect. However, interviews he gave in the US in the past suggest that the family left Chechnya in the early 1990s.
1358:The BBC Moscow bureau reports that Dzhokhar Tzarnaev moved to the US in 2001 or 2002 from Makhachkala - the capital of Dagestan, a southern Caucasus Republic near to Chechnya. His school there says he was only a student for a couple of years, and had arrived from Kyrgyzstan.
1355:Details continue to come in about Dzhokhar Tsarnaev - who is still on the loose. He received a City Scholarship from the City of Cambridge, Massachusetts, in May 2011 - according to a Cambridge local government announcement.
Jenny Moebiustweets: so eerie how empty the streets are during rush hour...
1350:"Chris said that when Jeff woke up from anaesthesia after surgery he asked for a pen and paper and wrote down that he had seen the guy and that they showed the note to the FBI and that he was able to give a description of the man. He was waiting for his girlfriend and he saw this man set this bag down and he looked him right in the eyes and two and a half minutes later the bag exploded." Read the full interview at
1349:Bloomberg News reporter Asjylyn Loder has told BBC World Service radio that she spoke to Chris Bauman, the bother of Jeff Bauman - who identified one of the suspects after having both his legs amputated below the knee after Monday's bomb attack.
Jessy Raetweets: For the simple fact that I've been surrounded by guns since 2AM is pretty surreal to me.
1346:Latest images from Watertown are currently showing police surrounding a house, at the corner of Willow and Quimby. The situation appears tense and video broadcasts from the scene are being put on a delay in an effort to avoid broadcasting anything "unduly violent", CNN says.
1338:The Associated Press and other US media are reporting that the uncle of the bombing suspect has confirmed Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and the dead suspect were indeed brothers.
Daniel Sandford BBC News, Moscowtweets that it looks likely the two suspects left the Russian Federation a long time ago - possibly as long ago as 2001. He also plays down the links to Chechnya: "Ahem! If you are a Chechen from Kyrgyzstan, lived briefly in Dagestan, then lived in America for 10 yrs+. The connection to Chechnya is slim".
Boston Police
1329:Chechnya itself is a region of Russia with a long history of conflict and dispute with Moscow. It was the scene of a brutal separatist war with Russia in the 1990s and has been hit by insurgency in the years since. You can find out more in our full profile.
1325:The suspect at large, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, is 19, was born in Kyrgyzstan and has a Massachusetts driver's license, officials told NBC News. The dead suspect was identified as Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, born in Russia, NBC added.
1317:The two brothers are thought to be ethnic Chechens, but are not said to have lived in the area in recent years.
1314:Information is beginning to emerge about Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the remaining suspect in the Boston marathon bombings. He and his brother are said to be from an area of Russia close to war-torn Chechnya - but have lived in the US for at least a year.
1304:And with that, the press conference is over - with no public confirmation of the identity of the bombers.
1303:Police colonel says the situation in Boston "may take hours" to resolve, but they are getting closer.
1302:Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis says they are "examining all databases, examining all possible leads".
1300:Gov Patrick says there is a "massive manhunt underway".
1300:Deval Patrick, Governor of Massachusetts: suspect one is dead and suspect two is on the run.
1256:Police are still hunting Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, aged 19, from the Cambridge area of Boston.
1255: Breaking NewsSurviving Boston bombing suspect named by US officials as Dzokhar Tsarnaev.
1254:Reuters news agency now joins several other US media outlets in reporting that the two Boston suspects are Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and his brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev. Reuters cites a national security official. We still await official confirmation.
1249:We are waiting to hear from Deval Patrick, Governor of Massachusetts - it's possible that he could confirm the identities of the two Boston bombing suspects.
ABC Newstweets: #Breaking: Major police activity reported near home of suspect #2 in Cambridge, Mass., police advice to stay clear
Johnathan Lawemails: I just drove down the Massachusetts Pike to Boston and saw a plethora of school buses, filled with Swat teams, heading in the other direction to Watertown.
Anne Griffithsemailed: Just spoken to my daughter who lives in Watertown. Police doing door-to-door, nobody allowed out, tubes shut down and roads closed. She says it was three blocks away, I think she means the carjacking. Really scary.
1238:One Boston family told the BBC how they received a "reverse-911" call telling them not to leave their homes. The call went on to say that if any stranger comes to their door, to be on guard and call 911 if appropriate. The family's first reaction was of "terror" and they promptly got dressed, ensured all of their doors were locked, and closed blinds and shades. "It's like a ghost town outside," they said.
1218:An area of 20 blocks has been cordoned off around Watertown, while tactical teams search every house. Other suburbs and public transport has been locked down as police continue the manhunt.
1218:Issuing strong warnings to the public to take precautions and stay off the streets, Boston police confirmed one suspect was captured and died in hospital.
1217:Two suspects who had stolen a four-wheel drive vehicle threw bombs and traded gunfire with police chasing them, and another officer was wounded in the exchange.
1215:Police began the manhunt on Thursday night after an officer was shot dead at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge.
1215:Just to recap what is happening. US police have been hunting a suspect wanted for Monday's deadly Boston Marathon bombing, after another suspect was killed in a car chase and shootout overnight.
Student Taylor Dobbstweets: Roommate emerges from slumber, staring at phone: "Dude, did you hear what happened?"
1211:The Boston Police Department is preparing to carry out a controlled explosion.
Jeffrey Goldberg, The Atlantic,tweets: If these two are actually foreign-trained terrorists, then this is the event we've been fearing; small-scale attacks on the softest targets.
Ryan Evanstweets: A reminder: terrorism is about small numbers of people seeking to cause a large amount of havoc. We're seeing that right now.
1204:There is now a lot of speculation over the identity of the Boston marathon bomb suspects - the second of whom police are hunting in and around Watertown. We will let you know as soon as we get any confirmation of their identities.
Stephen R. Aldoustweets: @Boston_Police Stay safe officers, we appreciate all your hard work.
1154:US network NBC News is now reporting that the two suspects are brothers - and has released their names, which have not yet been confirmed by police.
1148:News agency Associated Press is reporting that the Boston bomb suspects are from a Russian region near Chechnya, and have lived in the US for at least one year. That information is as yet unconfirmed.
makeitnattytweets: I woke to police sirens. Know what else? Friends & family checking if I was safe. I have faith in my city. We are resilient.
1141:On the BBC World Service, we are live with the latest on the hunt for the Boston marathon bomb suspects. Tune into World Have Your Say here.
1140:Footage from Watertown shows Swat teams surrounding houses - but it appears to be part of the general house-to-house search of the area.
1130:Right now we are seeing pictures of a lot of police activity. Radio Boston reporter Curt Nickisch tells BBC News police vehicles are heading out to one part of Boston after a taxi carrying three men was reportedly stopped outside the 20-block search area.
Eyewitness Andrew Kitzenberg - who earlier tweeted images of bullet damage in his home - has posted a picture of what he says are Swat teams heading into a nearby house.
Boston Police Departmenttweets: #CommunityAlert: Search for armed suspect continues in Watertown. Residents reminded to remain indoors. All vehicle traffic suspended.
Mark Mardell North America editortweets from Watertown: Suddenly lots of activity - police van speeds out sirens wailing - other cars heading in
1121:It is reported that 10 Boston victims have had limbs amputated. Bombs made from pressure cookers were said to have been packed with nails and ball bearings.
1118:It may be time to take a step back and recap what happened on Monday. Three people died and more than 170 were hurt by two bombs near the finish line of the Boston Marathon. At least 14 bombing victims, including three children, remain in hospital in a critical condition.
Seth Mnookinadds more from Watertown: I lived a mile from WTC on 9/11. Lived below 14th St. - needed ID to get to apartment. Checkpoints everywhere. Watertown right now is similar. Cops/blue lights everywhere. Automatic weapons & bomb dogs on sidewalks. Entire city brought to halt.
MIT teacher and journalist Seth Mnookin has been tweeting from Watertown throughout the night. He reports that a naked man arrested earlier was eventually released. "Apparently wrong place/time scenario."
1109:Watertown Police Chief Edward Deveau said there should be no vehicle traffic into or out of Watertown. "We need your help now," he said, addressing residents.
1103:More closures: now Harvard University, near MIT in Cambridge, is also closed.
Greg McKenna, Cambridge, MAemails: This all happened less than a quarter of a mile from me. It sounded like warfare with explosions and bullets. My heart was racing.
1055:Closing the briefing, Col Timothy Alben, Superintendent of the Massachusetts State Police, said: "We believe these are the same individuals that were responsible for the bombing on Monday of the Boston marathon. We believe they are responsible for the death of an MIT police officer and the shooting of an MBTA officer. This is a very serious situation that we're dealing with and we would appreciate your co-operation."
1053:Watertown now is basically a community on lock-down - businesses remain closed and all public transport is shut. Authorities are also warning other communities in the area to stay inside.
1049:Undersecretary for Homeland Security Kurt Schwartz asks people in Watertown and surrounding suburbs not go to work today.
1048:We are hearing from Boston police as they hold another press conference: detailing transport and security measures as day breaks in Watertown and Boston.
1046:Confirmation of transport suspension from "Attention Customers: per order of the MBTA Transit police all service is suspended until further notice. 4/19/2013 5:39 AM"
1043:More news of suspensions and cancellations: The MBTA, which runs transport services in and around Greater Boston, has suspended all services at the request of police.
Massachusetts Institue of Technologytweets: MIT's classes cancelled today in wake of tragedy
1038:One Watertown witness described events in the town overnight: "It sounded like fireworks," Imran Saif told the Boston Globe on YouTube.
1036:The information from the hospital strongly indicates that the man who died at Beth Israel overnight was the Boston bomb suspect who police say has now been killed.
1029:"All we know is he arrived in [cardiac] arrest here - we don't know what happened at the scene," Dr Richard Wolfe tells the conference.
1028:Doctors say they cannot comment on whether the patient was one of the suspects. They say they "do not have any information about the deceased person".
1027:Medics: Hospital was notified at 01:10 local time that a patient was coming in with multiple injuries. He arrived at 01:20 - at that point he was in a "traumatic arrest" undergoing CPR. At 1:35 he was pronounced dead.
1022:Officials at Beth Israel Hospital in Boston are now giving a news conference, detailing their role in the night's events.
1020:One Watertown resident, Kristian Tunzig, tells BBC News he heard successive gunshots close to his house earlier and then saw a black Mercedes sedan crash in front of the house. There was a 10 to 15 minute gunbattle and several explosion - before a huge explosion. He says he hid in a closet and came out later to discover a bullet lodged in his bed.
1011:It is probably worth noting that the area police are now searching is centred around Laurel Street and Dexter Avenue, in Watertown.
1005:Police are now warning people in the area to be aware of potentially explosive packages by the road, CNN reports.
1004:Police are now searching house-to-house for the second suspect. Massachusetts State Police say via Twitter: "Police will be going door by door, street by street, in and around Watertown. Police will be clearly identified. It is a fluid situation."
Stephen Kowaliktweets: Boston is going crazy right now. After attempted bombing at MIT police have been chasing bombers since 1. Live police radio is scary.
Mark Mardell North America editor
0943:Police say this is an ongoing investigation and reiterate that it is a very dangerous situation and a threat to people's lives.
Edward Davis Boston Police Commissionertweets: One suspect dead. One at large. Armed and dangerous. White hat suspect at large.
0931:Full statement from Massachusetts police on the dramatic night-time events.
0931:More from Massachusetts state police: One suspect was critically injured during the pursuit and taken to hospital, where he was pronounced dead.
0930:Police say there was an shootout between Watertown Police and two suspects in an SUV, and several explosive devices were thrown from the car at officers.
0928:Police said they are actively searching for the white-capped individual suspected of involvement in the bombing of the Boston Marathon. They said footage from a local 7-Eleven in Cambridge last night showed him dressed in a grey sweatshirt. He has brown curly hair.
0923:Police reiterate that the suspect is armed and dangerous: "We believe this to be a terrorist, a man who has come here to kill people."
Breaking NewsPolice in Massachusetts hunting man they say is second Boston bombing suspect.
0920:Police are now holding a news conference detailing what happened overnight: "We understand one suspect was able to flee from the police. One police officer was struck and is now at hospital," the police said.
0917:State police are warning residents in the area to stay inside and be careful - using Twitter to advise that people should "not answer door, stay away from windows, keep doors locked".
0913:Later, after witnesses reported hearing explosions and gunfire in Watertown, local TV footage showed a man on the ground surrounded by police - before being led away, apparently naked.
0912:Cambridge police said the officer was responding to a report of a disturbance in the area of the MIT campus at around 22:30 (02:30 GMT) when he was shot and suffered "multiple wounds". He was taken to hospital where he was pronounced dead.
0910:A situation has been developing rapidly in the middle of the night near Boston, with a massive police presence growing over the last few hours in Watertown. It comes after an incident at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in nearby Cambridge, where a police officer was shot several times and killed.
0907:Welcome to our coverage of the major police operation under way on the outskirts of Boston in the US.
culled from
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